香菜煎饼 Mixed Herbal Leaves Pancake

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Ingredients A

Ingredient (B ) :


    Step 1

    将材料A(除了温水和麻油)放入大碗中 拌匀,慢慢加入温水搓揉成团,加入麻 油轻轻揉匀,盖上湿布休面1小时以上。 将材料B清洗干净,沥干水分,切碎,放 入碗里拌匀。 Put all the ingredients A (except warn water and sesame oil) into a mixing bowl and mix into a dough. Pour in warm water slowly and mix into a dough. Add in sesame oil and knead well. Cover with a piece of damp clothe and rest for 1 hour. Clean ingredients B and drain well. Chop finely and mix well.

    Step 2

    将面团分成4-5份(大小随意),揉圆. Divide the dough into 4-5 portions and form into balls. Roll into thin sheet

    Step 3

    涂抹上少许沙茶酱,包入菜料,卷 成花卷,压平,放置10分钟。 spread some sha cha sauce on top and wrap up ingredients B. Roll it up and then roll into round thin sheet. Leave to rest for 10 minutes.

    Step 4

    烧热平底锅,在上面涂上少许油,放 入面团煎至两面金黄色及香。 Heat up a little oil in a non-stick pan, pan-fry the pancake until both sides are golden brown and aromatic.
